WESTERN CAPE | Raath Promotions | Dane Raath | www.krpwines.co.za | 072 200 4700
GAUTENG | Appellation SA | Janine Shearer | www.appellationsa.com | 072 393 1820
NATAL | Matt Draper | matt@morevino.co.za | 078 209 9592
MPUMALANGA | Please contact the farm directly | orders@beaumont.co.za
EASTERN CAPE & GARDEN ROUTE | Wine Roots | Jacques van der Merwe | jacques@netpower.co.za
BELGIUM | Intervinos | Nico Terry | intervinos@skynet.be | +32 50 311 460
CANADA - ONTARIO | The Small Winemakers Collection | Richard Godin | www.smallwinemakers.ca | +1416463-7178
CANADA - QUEBEC | Rézin Sélection | Jean-Phillipe Lefebre | www.rezin.com | +1 514 937 5770
CHINA | The Wine Guy | Michele Muraro | michele@thewineguy.asia | +86-187 0213 1094
CZECH REPUBLIC | Pinot | Daniel Pesat | www.winehome.cz | +420 604 786 501
DENMARK | Vinkunsten | Michael Bille Frandsen | www.vinkunsten.dk | +45 20 35 83 43
FRANCE | South World Wines | Gaetan Turner | www.southworldwines.com | +33 (0) 687763244
GERMANY | Marcus van Riesen Weinimport | www.beaumontwines.de | +49 40 317 7130
HOLLAND | Benier Global Wines | Robert Benier | www.benierglobalwines.nl | +31 73 565 8209
JAPAN | Vinos Yamazaki | www.v-yamazaki.jp | +81 35 789 6825
NAMIBIA | Nouveau Wines cc | Melle Orford | wine@afol.com.na | +264 81 261 1312
PHILIPPINES | Gran Hacienda Wines | Butz Tenchavez | +63 9176323278 |www.granhaciendawines.com
SOUTH KOREA | Cape Valley Wines | Melania Joo | www.capevalley.co.kr | +82 70 7178 8888
SINGAPORE | Little Farms | Tom Gray | www.littlefarms.com | +65 90127494
SWEDEN | Embassy Wine | Joakim Blackadder Immenkamp | www.embassy.wine | +46733128787
SWITZERLAND | SCHṺWO Trink-Kultur | Urs Schurmann | +41 56 622 1820 | www.schuewo.ch
UK | Dreyfus Ashby & Co Ltd | Richard Kelley | www.dreyfus-ashby.co.uk | + 44 (0) 1636 858774
UK | Newton Wines | Ben Foster | www.newton-wines.com | +44 (0) 1363 83301
USA | Broadbent Selections | www.broadbent.com | +1 917 855 5405